Brazil 1964 (8/23)

Three men in suits looking at a piece of paper.
Three men in suits looking at a piece of paper.


In March 1964, a coup took place in Brazil that resulted in the overthrow of President João Goulart by the Brazilian Armed Forces. The coup occurred from March 31st to April 1st and was supported by the speaker of the Brazilian Congress, who declared the presidency vacant. Goulart, a member of the Brazilian Labour Party, had been democratically elected as vice president. The presidency was originally won by Jânio Quadros, a conservative backed by the National Democratic Union, but he resigned in 1961. According to the Brazilian Constitution, Goulart should have automatically assumed the presidency, but right-wing militants accused him of being a communist and tried to prevent him from taking office. Eventually, a compromise was reached, and the parliamentary system replaced the presidential system, with Goulart continuing as head of state and Tancredo Neves becoming the prime minister.

However, in 1963, a referendum reinstated the presidential system, and Goulart assumed full powers. His presidency faced numerous challenges, including political problems and Cold War disputes, which contributed to its destabilization. Goulart's proposed Basic Reforms Plan aimed to redistribute the profits of large companies, but it was viewed as a "socialist threat" by right-wing factions and the military. Large-scale demonstrations against the government, known as the Marches of the Family with God for Freedom, were organized in opposition to Goulart's policies.

The coup in Brazil brought about a military regime aligned with the interests of the United States government. This military dictatorship lasted for 21 years until 1985, when Tancredo Neves, who had played a role in the negotiations during the coup, was indirectly elected as the first civilian president since the 1960 elections.

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