Change Your Attitude Before You Change Your Circumstances (5/8)

Johnny depp in pirates of the caribbean.
Johnny depp in pirates of the caribbean.


“The Problem is not the Problem. The Problem is Your Attitude about the Problem.”

A problem remains a problem as long as you look at it as a problem. If you look at a problematic situation as an opportunity to learn something new or an opportunity to challenge yourself, it’s no longer a problem. On his journeys, Jack would hit stumbling blocks over and over, but he never gets deterred by them. From repeatedly losing his beloved Black Pearl, getting captured and imprisoned, and to getting almost eaten by sea monsters, Jack faces them all with a smile. He doesn’t get scared or worried; instead, he changes his perspective to something more productive and tackles the issue from an angle no one else thinks of. Of course, having a great sense of humor always helps to adapt to any situation without losing perspective. Changing our attitude is a simple concept that’s easy to understand, but it’s a lesson we fail to follow most of the time.

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