Congo 1964 (7/23)


The period from 1960 to 1965 saw political turmoil and conflict in the Congo, following its independence from Belgium. The crisis was a proxy conflict during the Cold War, with the Soviet Union and the United States supporting opposing factions in a series of civil wars. The crisis is estimated to have claimed around 100,000 lives.

When Congo gained independence from Belgium on June 30, 1960, Patrice Lumumba became its first Prime Minister. His charisma instilled hope for the future among his people. His anti-colonial stance and goal of a united Congo made Belgian authorities and Western powers, like the US, uneasy.

Even after Congo's independence, Belgium maintained significant economic interests in the country. In an effort to maintain control over their investments and weaken Lumumba's government, Belgian officials backed separatist movements in regions like Katanga, known for their abundant mineral deposits.

The Cold War context led to US concerns that Lumumba's anti-Western rhetoric might cause him to align with Soviet interests. Consequently, President Eisenhower gave the CIA the go-ahead to conduct covert operations against Lumumba's government.

The involvement of the Soviet Union resulted in a split in the Congolese government and a stalemate between Lumumba and President Joseph Kasa-Vubu. Mobutu Sese Seko, who commanded the army, staged a coup, expelled the Soviet advisors, and established a new government under his control. Lumumba was taken into custody and then executed in 1961. The involvement of Belgian officers in connection to all these has been well documented, while the CIA’s role remains a subject of speculation due to insufficient evidence to conclusively prove their direct participation in the murder.

Belgium and the US played crucial roles in destabilizing Congo's independent government, led by Patrice Lumumba, ultimately culminating in his assassination.

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