Congo (3/14)


France exercised control over the Republic of Congo as a colony from the 1880s until the nation gained independence in 1960. Throughout the colonial period, France established its dominion over Congo by negotiating treaties with the major local rulers, effectively asserting control over the territory.

Operating as a part of French Equatorial Africa, the economic trajectory of Congo during its half-century of colonial rule revolved around the extraction of natural resources, primarily managed by private companies. These companies played a central role in the economic development of the region under French oversight.

Post-independence, the relationship between France and Congo persisted, albeit with a somewhat restrained demeanour. A key aspect of this relationship was France's significant investment in Congo's flourishing oil sector, a venture facilitated by the French petroleum parastatal Elf-Aquitaine.

In the present day, France continues to hold a prominent position as Congo's primary external partner, contributing substantial economic assistance to the nation. It's noteworthy that this partnership carries echoes of the historical colonial relationship, as Congo still bears the economic ramifications of its colonial past, effectively making payments for its prior status as a colony.

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