Liaoning (19/31)

A map showing the location of china.
A map showing the location of china.


Liaoning is China’s northernmost Coastal Province. Its Port City of Dalia is a significant shipping and logistical hub for East Asia as it’s a Midway port for Japan and Northern China. The peninsula was of great interest to the Imperial powers of the 19th century. The geostrategic importance of this city led to the Russo-Japanese war, where both parties sought to be the hegemon of this important region with Dalian at its Center. The Russians wanted Dalian to use it as a warm water port, and the Japanese wanted to use it as a springboard to colonize Manchuria. This strategic importance carries over to contemporary times.

Dalian is home to one of the largest military and Naval bases in Asia as the Liaoning peninsula, as well as the Shandong Peninsula, are the naval gateways to China’s capital.

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