30 Brain Teasing Questions that will Make You Think Outside the Box

These thirty brain teasers will make you think outside the box and challenge what you know. They will help to keep your mind sharp and improve your thinking skills.

30 brain teasers with answers.

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Do you think you are smart? If you think so, we are going to put your intelligence to the test here. People are different. So that some people might find a particular fact hard to get while some will get them quickly. The type of smartness that these tricky riddles might need can be called ‘out of the box’ or ‘street smart.’

Are you ready to be riddled?
Riddles vary from quick and easy to solve to serious brain teasers, and we have gathered a couple of the latter for your riddling delight. The big brain teasers on this list may need some serious brainpower to address it, and definitely feel good when you do!

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  1. 1 Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?


    Some people might say it is ‘Kanchenjunga,’ which is also situated in the Himalayas, or some will say it is ‘Mauna Kea’ in Hawaii. Kanchenjunga was considered the tallest mountain before the discovery of Everest in 1852, and Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain from the base to peak. But Everest has the highest elevation.

    Even though Everest was discovered later, it had the highest elevation all along. So the answer is ‘Everest’ itself.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 3 or 7 ?

  2. 2 The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?


    Many people who answered this riddle sarcastically said ‘Food’ as the answer as it is more food you take, more poop (product of poop) you will have to leave behind. And some may say it is ‘time’ as it totally goes with the riddle too.

    But the person who posted this on Reddit mentioned ‘Footsteps’ as the answer.

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 6 or 1 ?

  3. 3 A doctor and a bus driver loved the same girl who was very attractive whose name is Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a lengthy bus journey that would be a week long. Before he left, he gifted Sarah seven apples. Why?


    This could be an easy riddle for the majority of you. Most of you must have heard the phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Therefore, by giving seven apples to Sarah, the bus driver can keep the doctor who likes Sarah away for seven days, the period which the driver is on the trip.

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 1 or 5 ?

  4. 4 They have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?


    This is a very common riddle and could be a tricky riddle for many. The answer to this riddle is ‘Gloves.’ They are not made of scales, flesh, or do not have bones, but have fingers and thumbs.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 7 or 0 ?

  5. 5 What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?


    It is ‘Charcoal’ and is black when obtained or not in use. When using, that is when burning, it turns red in color. And finally, after being engulfed by flames or being burnt out or used up, it transforms into grey-colored ashes.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 6 or 8 ?

  6. 6 What is seen in the middle of March and April that can not be seen at the beginning or end of either month?


    This riddle acts by getting you thinking about the weather, vacations, or other activities related to a calendar. To get this right, you must be very literal. Anyway, this riddle is about the letters of the two words. The answer is the letter ‘R,’ which is the middle letter of both the words.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 1 or 3 ?

  7. 7 What English word has three consecutive double letters?


    This one is almost impossible, but use the English knowledge you have to get started. Consider words with double vowels first. And you should be aware that this would most likely be a compound term. The first and last letters of such combined words will converge to form a single collection of double letters. Now all you have to do is wrack your brain! The answer is ‘bookkeeper.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 4 or 2 ?

  8. 8 A woman shoots her husband, then holds him underwater for five minutes. Next, she hangs him. Right after, they enjoy a lovely dinner. Explain.


    The aim of this puzzle is to throw you off balance with shock. But take note of the first verb, ‘shoots.’ What else would you use to shoot other than a gun? Therein is the solution to the entire situation.

    The woman takes a picture of her husband, develops the photo in the darkroom by submerging it in the chemical solution. And they simply have dinner together.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 1 or 0 ?

  9. 9 I come from a mine and get surrounded by wood always. Everyone uses me. What am I?


    This should be a simple riddle for many of you, as this riddle is popular among kids. The definition of a mine could lead you to coal or diamonds. Your best clue is the wood detail. If you have not heard this in your childhood, this riddle could be tricky. But the wood detail will guide you. The answer is the ‘pencil lead.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 8 or 5 ?

  10. 10 A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?


    This trick question gives you a bunch of ways to get totally confused if you try to figure out the answer. The trick is to make it as straightforward as possible. Allow a complete count of the sisters and daughters, as well as their own number of siblings. Then the solution becomes a bit simpler.

    The answer is ‘three brothers and four sisters.’ This one had a little math involved!

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 8 or 2 ?

  11. 11 What gets wet while drying?


    Even though most people who want to find it out are stumped, this one has a clear solution. Wet and dry tend to have to be opposites all the time, so you may get lost. Find an item that can consume or be both.

    The answer is a ‘towel.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 6 or 5 ?

  12. 12 What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?


    This one is similar to the earlier riddle that had March and April. Often, puzzles like these always find you number-crunching and stretching your brain cells while you consider time and how it functions. You’ve already worked out by now that number riddles almost never contain maths.

    The answer is the letter ‘M.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 0 or 5 ?

  13. 13 What has to be broken before you can use it?


    Before you can use an egg, it must be smashed. It can be said that it was an easy option that an egg must still be cracked in order to be fried, eaten, or even hatch a bird. You know what they say: you can’t make an omelet without cracking any eggs.

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 1 or 6 ?

  14. 14 How can you physically stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?


    For this sort of incredibly complicated riddle, it might be better to plot out the physical interaction in your head—if you can! This riddle functions by convincing you to accept impossibilities.

    The method is for you to ‘stand back-to-back with your father.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 5 or 6 ?

  15. 15 How is seven different from the rest of the numbers between one and ten?


    Math experts might consider prime numbers if seven can be divided by this or that if it can be cubed, and so on. Instead of speaking about math, remember the literal quality of the words that represent the numbers. Note that riddles toy with the differences between the literal and the imaginary, or between the simple and the complicated. For this riddle, keep it easy, but shift the thinking to a concept that is not based on numbers.

    ‘Seven having two syllables and all the other numbers between one to ten only having one syllable’ is the answer.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 5 or 2 ?

  16. 16 First, you eat me, then you get eaten. What am I?


    Hard riddles train you to learn about metaphors and principles. Not this one; to get through to the solution, make it quick and literal. But remember who or what the ‘you’ is. Some people on the internet have suggested that this riddle is relevant to a particular move in the board game, Checkers.

    Yet the ‘fishhook’ is the final and most appropriate answer to where the fish eat the hook and later be at someone’s dinner table.

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 8 or 2 ?

  17. 17 Voiceless it cries and wingless flutters, toothless bites, and mouthless mutters. What am I?


    This is a quote from the world-famous children’s fantasy novel ‘The Hobbit, or There and Back Again’ by J. R. R. Tolkien (which was later made into a movie). ‘The Wind’ is the answer to the riddle.

    Wind makes crying sounds when passing through objects, flutters the leaves of the trees, bites people and animals with cold, and makes muttering sounds.

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 3 or 1 ?

  18. 18 Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?


    Wordplay and word games are critical in hard riddles. This one has such a simple solution that it confuses you by asking you to consider it in a complicated way. Any riddles necessarily require it. This one, though, does not qualify.

    The answer is ‘Incorrectly.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 9 or 0 ?

  19. 19 What can you hold in your right hand but never in your left hand?


    Since your left hand cannot support something on your arm behind your left shoulder, the fingertips on your left hand, left forearm, left elbow, left bicep, and so on.

    Some people would struggle to hold their left shoulders, but it would also be due to stability and the relative size of one’s arm. And the answer is the ‘Left hand.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 4 or 9 ?

  20. 20 First, think of the color of the clouds. Next, think of the color of snow. Now, think of the color of a bright full moon. Now answer quickly; what do cows drink?


    Some riddles work by triggering the brain to make a sequence of connections, causing you to get stuck and unable to think of alternatives. Take caution when solving this riddle. Is the issue really relevant to the color you were asked to consider? Some people claim that cows drink milk, and they are misguided by the color white.

    The answer is ‘Water.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 1 or 3 ?

  21. 21 This belongs to you, but everyone else uses it.


    The trick to solving this riddle is to conceive about something other than an actual item. Use your logical reasoning skills to gain a strategic understanding of this one.

    The answer is your ‘Name.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 9 or 1 ?

  22. 22 What are the subsequent three letters in this combination? OTTFFSS


    This challenging question requires you to decide the correlation between the letters. They seem to be at random: a vowel, two consonants from the tail of the alphabet, two from the front, and two more. What could they really mean? What is the trend here? In this case, consider common word combinations to help you get closer. However, finding a solution seems to be almost impossible.

    The sequence is E, N, and T, where each letter represents the first letter in the written numbers: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, etc.)

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 1 or 8 ?

  23. 23 How many letters are in the alphabet?


    Some complicated riddles take you off balance by leading you to the shortest solution first. You’ve got this one nailed, right? If we are talking about the English alphabet, it’s 26. Not so fast. Take another look to make it super easy and straightforward.

    There are ‘11 letters’ in the word ‘the alphabet.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 8 or 1 ?

  24. 24 A is the brother of B. B is the brother of C. C is the father of D. So how is D related to A?


    Riddles attempt to send your line of thought in random directions. Try to keep your head open and just follow the logic. Using letters as placeholders for names such as ‘Uncle Bob’ or ‘Aunt Linda’ makes easy relationships seem complicated.

    The answer is that A is D’s uncle.

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 2 or 4 ?

  25. 25 What disappears as soon as you say its name?


    Riddles like this one insist that you think objectively or in a simple manner. Around the same time, it uses a psychological metaphor concerning the loss of something. The solution seems to be simple—until you work it out! It has your mind twisted up to that point.

    ‘Silence’ is the answer!

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 0 or 2 ?

  26. 26 How can the number four be half of five?


    You may consider doing some complex fractions, but tricky riddles like these are often more about clever wordplay than mathematical calculations. Think literally, and the solution can appear right in front of your eyes.

    The answer is ‘IV,’ the Roman numeral for four, which is ‘half’ (two letters) of the word five.

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 8 or 5 ?

  27. 27 I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?


    Often rational questions are not difficult to answer; all that is needed is logical thought to find the answer. The given question is a fascinating riddle that allows one to think logically. The clue is in the issue itself. An echo is a signal that echoes back to its source. When the sound waves are reflected back, it is a repetitive sound. An echo talks without using its mouth and listens without using its ears. The wind brings it to life.

    As a result, the required answer to this riddle is ‘an echo.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 7 or 2 ?

  28. 28 You measure my life in hours, and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy.


    Here is another wind riddle. Hard riddles are built to trip you up, and this one does so by bombarding you with information from every perspective. The wind provides the big clue at the top. What is the most vulnerable to the wind? You must use your imagination to come up with something small and surprising.

    The answer is ‘a candle.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 4 or 7 ?

  29. 29 You are escaping a labyrinth, and there are three doors in front of you. The door on the left leads to a raging inferno. The door in the center leads to a deadly assassin. The door on the right leads to a lion that has not eaten in three months. Which door do you choose?


    Here you will just have to use your common sense. How would an animal survive without food for three months? The lion would be dead by starvation. Therefore choosing ‘the right-side door’ will be a perfect choice.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 7 or 3 ?

  30. 30 I have cities but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?


    This riddle is intended to confuse you and attract your attention to the items that are missing: the buildings, trees, and fish. You might guess that you need to consider something intangible.

    One that fulfills all these statements is ‘a map.’

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    Solve : Which Number is Smaller 2 or 4 ?

  31. 31 You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but you do not see a single person on the boat when you look again. Why?


    Riddles like this brainteaser are tricky when they seem to encourage simple, rational reasoning. You might say something like “they all went below deck” or “jumped overboard.” However, you must concentrate on the term ‘single’ and consider its other meanings.

    You can not see a single person on the boat as all the people were married.

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    Solve : Which Number is Larger 4 or 2 ?


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